Resultado da pesquisa (4)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Silva F.M.

#1 - Medical therapy using omeprazole in 12 hydrocephalic dogs: clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic findings

Abstract in English:

According to experimental studies with healthy dogs, omeprazole might decrease the CSF production by about 26%; therefore, book texts have been suggested the usage of omeprazole in medical protocols for hydrocephalus treatment. However, to the best knowledge of the authors, the usage and medical response of the omeprazole with substantial group of illness dogs, such as hydrocephalic animals, was lacking. This report describes clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic findings in 12 dogs with hydrocephalus in which omeprazole were used for medical treatment. The diagnosis of hydrocephalus was accomplished by transcranial sonography (TCS) and/or computed tomography. The ventricular measurement was assessed periodically by TCS during medical treatment. Six dogs were diagnosed with non-obstrutive hydrocephalus and in the other 6 cases hydrocephalus occurred with other concomitant anomalous encephalic disease often related with obstructive hysdrocephalus, such as quadrigeminal cist, arachnoid cyst, chiary-like malformation, and syringomyelia. All of them had medical improvement after the use of omeprazole and the most of the cases had ventricular size reduction. In 10 dogs, the omeprazole was used as single drug, and in 2 dogs medical treatment with steroids and/or diuretics was previously being performed, and omeprazole was added because conventional treatment was resulting in mild to unsatisfactory medical control of the neurological status. The results of this paper shown that omeprazole may be used to ameliorate the neurological status in symptomatic hydrocephalic dogs. This work may represent the first description about the use of omeprazole in order to treat a substantial group of affected dogs with suspected increased intracranial pressure by hydrocephalus, probably due to limitation of CSF production.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O omeprazol diminui a produção do fluido cerebrospinal (FCE) por cerca de 26% de acordo com estudos experimentais em cães saudáveis. Segundo o conhecimento dos autores, embora utilizado na prática clínica e recomendado em livros textos, não há até o momento estudos clínicos em um grupo substancial de animais avaliando a resposta terapêutica ao uso do omeprazol em pacientes enfermos, tais como cães hidrocefálicos sintomáticos. Este trabalho descreve os achados clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos em 12 cães com hidrocefalia que foram submetidos ao tratamento com omeprazol para o manejo médico de hidrocefalia. O diagnóstico de hidrocefalia e doenças neurológicas concomitantes foi realizado por ultrassonografia transcraniana (USTC) e/ou tomografia computadorizada. A mensuração do tamanho ventricular foi realizada pela USTC durante o tratamento médico. Seis cães foram diagnosticados com hidrocefalia não obstrutiva e os outros 6 casos apresentaram hidrofalia concomitante com outras afecções encefálicas anômalas comumente associada à hidrocefalia obstrutiva, tal como cisto quadrigêmio, cisto aracnóide, síndrome de chiari-like e seringomegalia. Em 10 cães o omeprazol foi utilizado como droga única e em 2 cães a terapia inicial foi a convencional utilizando esteroides e diuréticos, e o omeprazol foi adicionado, pois a resposta clínica a terapia convencional foi insatisfatória. Todos os animais obtiveram melhora dos parâmetros neurológicos e a maioria teve uma redução do tamanho ventricular após o uso do omeprazol. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que o omeprazol pode ser utilizado para melhorar o estado neurológico em cães com hidrocefalia. Este estudo representa a primeira descrição clínica usando o omeprazol para tratar uma série de cães com suspeita de aumento da pressão intracraniana devido à hidrocefalia, provavelmente pela capacidade do fármaco em limitar a produção do FCE.

#2 - Development of the central nervous system in guinea pig (Cavia porcellus, Rodentia, Caviidae), 36(8):753-760

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva F.M.O., Alcantara D., Carvalho R.C., Favaron P.O., Santos A.C., Viana D.C. & Miglino M.A. 2016. Development of the central nervous system in guinea pig (Cavia porcellus, Rodentia, Caviidae). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(8):753-760. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: This study describes the development of the central nervous system in guinea pigs from 12th day post conception (dpc) until birth. Totally, 41 embryos and fetuses were analyzed macroscopically and by means of light and electron microscopy. The neural tube closure was observed at day 14 and the development of the spinal cord and differentiation of the primitive central nervous system vesicles was on 20th dpc. Histologically, undifferentiated brain tissue was observed as a mass of mesenchymal tissue between 18th and 20th dpc, and at 25th dpc the tissue within the medullary canal had higher density. On day 30 the brain tissue was differentiated on day 30 and the spinal cord filling throughout the spinal canal, period from which it was possible to observe cerebral and cerebellar stratums. At day 45 intumescences were visualized and cerebral hemispheres were divided, with a clear division between white and gray matter in brain and cerebellum. Median sulcus of the dorsal spinal cord and the cauda equina were only evident on day 50. There were no significant structural differences in fetuses of 50 and 60 dpc, and animals at term were all lissencephalic. In conclusion, morphological studies of the nervous system in guinea pig can provide important information for clinical studies in humans, due to its high degree of neurological maturity in relation to its short gestation period, what can provide a good tool for neurological studies.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Silva F.M.O., Alcantara D., Carvalho R.C., Favaron P.O., Santos A.C., Viana D.C. & Miglino M.A. 2016. Development of the central nervous system in guinea pig (Cavia porcellus, Rodentia, Caviidae). [Desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso central em guinea pig (Cavia porcellus, Rodentia, Caviidae).] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 36(8):753-760. Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: Este estudo descreve o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso central em guinea pig do 12º dia pós-concepção (dpc) até ao nascimento. No total, 41 embriões e fetos foram analisados macroscopicamente e por microscopia de luz e eletrônica. O fechamento do tubo neural foi observado no dia 14 e o desenvolvimento da medula espinhal e diferenciação das vesículas primitivas do sistema nervoso central foram observados no dia 20. Histologicamente, o tecido cerebral indiferenciado foi observado como uma massa de tecido mesenquimal entre os dias 18 e 20 e no 25º dia o tecido no interior do canal medular apresentou maior densidade. No dia 30 o tecido cerebral apresentou-se diferenciado, período no qual a medula espinhal preenchia todo o canal vertebral e foi possível observar os estratos cerebral e cerebelar. No dia 45 as intumescências cervical e lombar foram visualizadas e os hemisférios cerebrais estavam divididos, com uma clara distinção entre substância branca e cinzenta no cérebro e cerebelo. O sulco mediano dorsal da medula espinhal e a cauda equina foram evidentes apenas no dia 50. Não houve diferenças estruturais significativas em fetos de 50 e 60 dpc e animais a termo eram todos lisencefálicos. Estudos morfológicos do sistema nervoso em guinea pig podem fornecer informações importantes para estudos clínicos em seres humanos devido ao alto grau de maturidade neurológica em relação ao seu período de gestação curto, fato que servir como excelente ferramenta em estudos neurológicos.

#3 - Histological and comparative analysis of lingual papillae of the deer Mazama americana and Mazama gouzoubira by light and scanning electron microscopy, 32(10):1061-1066

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Kokubun H.S., Esper G.V.Z., Franciolli A.L.R., Silva F.M.O., Rici R.E.G. & Miglino M.A. 2012. [Histological and comparative analysis of lingual papillae of the deer Mazama americana and Mazama gouzoubira by light and scanning electron microscopy.] Estudo histológico e comparativo das papilas linguais dos cervídeos Mazama americana e Mazama gouzoubira por microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(10):1061-1066. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The type of feeding is dependent on the environment in which the animal lives, fact that’s responsible for changes in morphology such as stratification, level of keratinization and functionality. Among the functional morphological structures of the tongue the papillae are worth mentioning due to their close relation to the diet. Two Cervidae species were used, five Mazama gouazoubira and two Mazama americana. Their tongues were divided into three parts, apex, body and root, and comparatively analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. The filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae were present in the two species’ tongue and presented the same distribution, differing only in the quantity of vallate papillae on the root of the tongue, fact that might be related to the diet. Moreover, their distribution resembles that of other herbivore species.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Kokubun H.S., Esper G.V.Z., Franciolli A.L.R., Silva F.M.O., Rici R.E.G. & Miglino M.A. 2012. [Histological and comparative analysis of lingual papillae of the deer Mazama americana and Mazama gouzoubira by light and scanning electron microscopy.] Estudo histológico e comparativo das papilas linguais dos cervídeos Mazama americana e Mazama gouzoubira por microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32(10):1061-1066. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: O tipo de alimentação depende do ambiente em que o animal se encontra, sendo este um fator responsável pela alteração da morfologia, como a estratificação e o nível de queratinização da língua, e a funcionalidade da mesma. Dentre as estruturas morfológicas funcionais da língua, as papilas vêm merecendo destaque devido a sua estreita relação com a dieta. Foram utilizadas duas espécies de cervídeos: cinco Mazama gouazoubira e duas Mazama americana, dividindo-se a língua em três partes: ápice, corpo e raiz. Analisou comparativamente a língua de duas espécies por meio de microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. As papilas filiforme, fungiforme e valada apresentaram na língua das duas espécies estudadas, e com a mesma distribuição, mudando apenas a quantidade e formato de papilas filiformes no ápice lingual e a quantidade e disposição das papilas valadas na raiz da língua, fator este que pode ser ligado à dieta dos animais. . Além disto, sua distribuição é semelhante à de outras espécies de herbívoros.

#4 - Development and evaluation of a recombinant DNA vaccine candidate expressing porcine circovirus 2 structural protein, p.76-82

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva Júnior A., Castro L.A., Chiarelli Neto O., Silva F.M.F., Vidigal P.M.P., Moraes M.P. & Almeida M.R. 2009. Development and evaluation of a recombinant DNA vaccine candidate expressing porcine circovirus 2 structural protein. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):76-82. Laboratório de Infectologia Molecular Animal, Instituto de Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Av. PH Rolfs s/n, Campus Universitário, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil. E-mail: Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) is generally associated with the porcine circovirosis syndrome, which is considered an important disease of swine and has potentially serious economic impact on the swine industry worldwide. This article describes the construction of a recombinant plasmid expressing the PCV2 structural protein and the evaluation of cellular and humoral immune responses produced by this recombinant vaccine in BALB/c mice. The vaccine candidate was obtained and analyzed in vivo, in an effort to determine the ability to induce a specific immune response in mice. DNA was extracted from a Brazilian PCV2 isolate and the gene coding for Cap protein was amplified by PCR and inserted into an expression plasmid. Groups of BALB/c mice were inoculated intra-muscularly and intradermally in a 15-day interval, with 100 µg and 50 µg of the vaccine construct, respectively. Another group was inoculated intramuscularly with 100 µg of empty plasmid, corresponding to the control group. Seroconversion and cellular response in BALB/c mice were compared and used for vaccine evaluation. Seroconversion was analyzed by ELISA. After a series of 3 immunizations the spleen cells of the immunized animals were used to perform lymphocyte proliferation assays. Seroconversion to PCV2 was detected by ELISA in the animals inoculated with the vaccine construct when compared with control groups. Lymphocyte proliferation assays showed a stronger cell proliferation in the inoculated animals compared with the control group. Thus, the vaccine candidate construct demonstrated to be able to induce both humoral and cellular responses in inoculated mice.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silva Júnior A., Castro L.A., Chiarelli Neto O., Silva F.M.F., Vidigal P.M.P., Moraes M.P. & Almeida M.R. 2009. Development and evaluation of a recombinant DNA vaccine candidate expressing porcine circovirus 2 structural protein. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):76-82. Laboratório de Infectologia Molecular Animal, Instituto de Biotecnologia Aplicada à Agropecuária, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Av. PH Rolfs s/n, Campus Universitário, Viçosa, MG 36570-000, Brazil. E-mail: Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) is generally associated with the porcine circovirosis syndrome, which is considered an important disease of swine and has potentially serious economic impact on the swine industry worldwide. This article describes the construction of a recombinant plasmid expressing the PCV2 structural protein and the evaluation of cellular and humoral immune responses produced by this recombinant vaccine in BALB/c mice. The vaccine candidate was obtained and analyzed in vivo, in an effort to determine the ability to induce a specific immune response in mice. DNA was extracted from a Brazilian PCV2 isolate and the gene coding for Cap protein was amplified by PCR and inserted into an expression plasmid. Groups of BALB/c mice were inoculated intra-muscularly and intradermally in a 15-day interval, with 100 µg and 50 µg of the vaccine construct, respectively. Another group was inoculated intramuscularly with 100 µg of empty plasmid, corresponding to the control group. Seroconversion and cellular response in BALB/c mice were compared and used for vaccine evaluation. Seroconversion was analyzed by ELISA. After a series of 3 immunizations the spleen cells of the immunized animals were used to perform lymphocyte proliferation assays. Seroconversion to PCV2 was detected by ELISA in the animals inoculated with the vaccine construct when compared with control groups. Lymphocyte proliferation assays showed a stronger cell proliferation in the inoculated animals compared with the control group. Thus, the vaccine candidate construct demonstrated to be able to induce both humoral and cellular responses in inoculated mice.

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